Custom WearHouse Fees & Payments Policy

This policy is a part of our Terms of Use. By listing an item or shopping on Custom WearHouse, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use.

1. Types of Fees

Sellers may be required to pay the following types of fees. Please note that all fees are listed exclusive of any value-added tax (VAT) or similar taxes that may apply. See the Taxes section below for further details. It’s important to note that all service fees, including prepaid fees, are non-refundable.

Transaction Fees

When you make a sale through Custom, you will be charged a transaction fee of 10% of the price you display for each listing plus the amount you charge for shipping and/or gift wrapping. If you sell from the US, the transaction fee will not apply to sales tax. If you sell from anywhere other than the US, the transaction fee will apply to the listing price (which should include any applicable taxes that you as a seller are responsible for), shipping price, and gift wrapping fee. Transaction fees are deducted from your current balance as each sale occurs, and are reflected in your payment account.

2. Fee Avoidance

Any action by a seller to avoid paying a fee is considered fee avoidance and is strictly prohibited by Custom WearHouse. This includes, for example, encouraging buyers to purchase an item in your Custom WearHouse shop through another venue. A transaction initiated on Custom WearHouse may not be completed off of Custom WearHouse. The price stated in each listing description must be an accurate representation of the sale. Sellers may not alter the item’s price after a sale for the purpose of avoiding Custom WearHouse transaction fees, misrepresent the item’s location, or use another user’s account without permission.

2. Paying your Custom WearHouse Fees

Custom WearHouse will automatically deduct all fees owed from your payment account. Provided you have sufficient funds in your payment account no further payment action is required. If your payment account does not contain sufficient funds you are responsible for paying any fees owed in full within 15 days of the date of your monthly statement. If you make a sale while you have an outstanding balance the net sale amount will be applied to your outstanding balance. You may pay your outstanding balance manually by credit card, debit card, or PayPal.

Your statement is available in your payment account at the beginning of each month, and will detail all sales and fees activity from the preceding month.Custom WearHouse may suspend your selling privileges at any time pending payment of your outstanding balance.

3. Marketplace Reporting of Seller Information

Where legally required, Custom WearHouse will report your personal details and details of your transactions to relevant governmental authorities.

Custom WearHouse will not disclose any personal information to any third parties unless legally required to do so.